
Välkommen in i framtiden med Digital Workplace Day 2023. Vi bygger vidare på förra årets succé och är glada att kunna erbjuda dig ett helt nytt event som är fullspäckat med det senaste inom samarbetsverktyg med öppen källkod. Anmäl dig till eventet och upptäck kraften i banbrytande teknik som kan förbättra din arbetsplats och förvandla ditt team.
Detta kan du förvänta dig av dagen:
Under de senaste åren har intresset för effektiva och GDPR-kompatibla verktyg för moderna digitala arbetsplatser och samarbeten ökat i de nordiska länderna. Nu är vi glada över att kunna samla ett stort antal förstklassiga leverantörer av öppen källkodsteknik speciellt designad för den digitala arbetsplatsen som vill dela med sig av sina bästa insikter. Anmäl dig till en dag fylld av intressanta presentationer, engagerande workshops och möjlighet att dela erfarenheter mellan användare av de senaste digitala verktygen.
Tid: 10:00 - 15:45
Datum: 11 oktober
Plats: 7A Posthuset, Vasagatan 28, Stockholm
10:00 – 10:15 Introduktion, Fredrik Svensson CBDO Redpill Linpro.
10:15 – 10:45 Succé med Nextcloud-implementering: Erfarenheter från Universitetskanslersämbetet, Erik Benedicto Portfolio Leader, UKÄ
Universitetskanslersämbetet lanserade Nextcloud i sin organisation i samarbete med Redpill Linpro för nästan 1 år sedan. Erik och Ali-Al delar värderfulla erfarenheter av införande av Nextcloud och hur det förbättrade deras digitalt samarbete.
10:45 - 11:30 Digital Transformation at Havs och Vatten Myndigheten: Implementing Rocket.chat and Jitsi with Redpill Linpro, Torbjörn Westman, Digitaliseringsledare, Havs-och Vatten
Havs och vatten myndigheten tillsammans med RedPill Linpro implementerar Rocket.chat och Jitsi. Myndigheten har gjort en lång utredning av sina behov för digitala samarbetsverktyg och planerat hur den framtida digitala arbetsplats ska se ut. Torbjörn Westman från Havs-och Vatten berättar mer om planerna och delar erfarenheter.
11:30 – 12:15 Lunch
12:15 – 12:45 Alternativa verktyg för din digitala arbetsplats.
Redpill Linpro introducerar fler nya verktyg för att effektivisera din digitala arbetsplats med fokus på informationssäkerhet och enkelhet. Detta inkluderar bl a verktyg för videomöte.
12:45 – 13:15 Nextcloud Hub Harnessing AI with Data Privacy, Andreas Rode CCO Nextcloud (ENG)
This presentation showcases how Nextcloud leverages AI in its self-hosted collaboration solution to enhance productivity while ensuring optimal data privacy and security. Discover Nextcloud's innovative, locally-run AI tools designed to prevent data leakage, while fostering a transparent, ethical, and effective digital workspace. Embrace AI's possibilities without compromising on data privacy.
13:15 – 13:45 Empowering Tomorrow's Citizen Services Through Secure Instant Messaging, Bert Moons Team Lead Solution Engineering, Rocket.Chat (ENG)
Step into the future of public service through the world of real-time chat. Discover how government institutions are transforming citizen engagement by seamlessly connecting people with their governing bodies and providing easy access to information. Rocket.Chat will share the story of the German City of Cologne and how they used their platform to securely collaborate internally, with external partners, and even with citizens - showing you how to achieve similar results within your own organization. Join us to learn how to bridge the gap between citizens and government institutions effectively.
13:45 – 14:15 Kaffepaus
14:15 – 14:45 Collaboard – Secure Online Whiteboard: GDPR compliant cloud hosting & on-premises options Michael Görög – CEO & Co-Founder of Collaboard (ENG)
Discover how the online whiteboard Collaboard is transforming digital collaboration with its innovative features and seamless user experience. Join us to explore practical use cases, gain valuable insights into customer success stories, and understand why Collaboard stands as the preferred visual collaboration tool for public sector organizations. In our presentation, you will get a comprehensive understanding of Collaboard's GDPR-compliant cloud hosting solutions, and learn about its self-hosting capacities, including on-premises and private cloud options.
14:45 – 15:15 Building the future of digital collaboration with Mattermost, Murat Bayan Solutions Architect EMEA at Mattermost (ENG)
To optimize productivity and ROI, technical teams need to collaborate effectively, even when it requires involving external audiences. Complex workflows and extensive toolchains make collaboration challenging, but a collaboration platform like Mattermost can help organizations address these challenges by providing a single source of truth, integration with existing tools, and security and control.
15:15 – 15:45 Bygg din framtida digitala arbetsplats, Filipa Lourenco, VD Redpill Linpro Digital Workplace (SE)
Filipa har genom sin anställning hos Boverket, engagemang i eSam och som ansvarig för införanden av moderna samarbetsplattformar baserade på öppen källkodsprojektet hos Redpill Linpro, samlat mycket erfarenhet av vad som är viktigt vid införanden moderna digitala arbetsplatser. Filipa kommer i denna presentation dela med sig av sina erfarenheter och ge värdefulla råd kring hur du ska tänka och prioritera för att ert införande av en framtida digital samarbetsplattform ska bli lyckosam och effektivisera ert arbete.
På slutet av dagen kommer det att finnas tillfälle att nätverka med kollegor i branschen.
Talare under Digital Workplace Day:

Andreas Rode
Andreas studied Economics and has 20 years of experience in Business Development, Partner- and Sales Management. Andreas worked for companies like Oracle, EMC, Yahoo and Google and also for start-ups in the Cloud Computing and Online Marketing space.

Michael Görög
CEO & Co-Founder of Collaboard
Michael, a co-founder of Collaboard, is an accomplished expert in online whiteboards and collaborative tools. With nearly a decade of hands-on experience in this field, he possesses an in-depth understanding of how this technology significantly enhances the digital workplace.

Bert Moons
Team Lead Solution Engineering, Rocket.Chat
Bert is an open-source enthusiast who likes to work with a customer to understand their needs. He uses his technical background and his functional experience to deliver product value to address these needs.

Filipa Lourenço
CEO Redpill Linpro Digital Workplace
Filipa Lourenco is a trained psychologist who took the step to work in the field of IT, focusing on the interaction between applications, humans, and businesses. She is driven by delivering IT/applications that provide real value to the organization, leading to improvements in the form of a more efficient daily routine for users and more effective communication with citizens or partners. In her role as CEO of Redpill Linpro Digital Workplace, she is responsible for ensuring that the organization delivers applications and solutions that enable private organizations and public institutions to create efficient digital workplaces that propel the organization into the future while maintaining information security

Fredrik Svensson
Fredrik has 20 years of experience from working with various Open Source implementation projects. Fredrik is an active co-founder of Redpill and has seen the growing interest for using Open Source software for mission critical solutions within areas such as API & Integration, Cloud, DevOps and Data Analytics from a close distance. In his current role with Redpill Linpro he is supporting the establishment of new solution areas and especially the digital workplace.

Murat Bayan
Solutions Architect EMEA, Mattermost
Murat Bayan is a Solutions Architect at Mattermost, where he helps customers in the EMEA region assess, deploy, and get the most value out of Mattermost for businesses in regulated industries. He has over 10 years of experience in the IT industry and is an expert in designing and implementing solutions that meet the needs of businesses in highly regulated sectors. Murat is passionate about using technology to solve complex problems, and he is always looking for new ways to improve the way businesses communicate and collaborate securely.

Erik Benedicto